Seven Steps to a Successful Hire
Determine the required set of skills, understand organizational relationships, and define the requisite experience. A position specification is then prepared, and this specification will guide our search efforts. In addition, a questionnaire for candidates containing topics of high interest will be prepared.
Qualified candidates are identified through our network of executives and by a thorough research of the marketplace. Each candidate is considered for pertinent experience, skills, and cultural fit.
Suitable candidates are approached by our search firm, directly and confidentially, to gauge interest and career goals. Each is evaluated based on experience and potential fit with the client organization.
Written reports are submitted on qualified individuals who most closely fit the position specification. Reports will include resume, interview notes, salary history, filled-out questionnaire (if applicable), picture, and interview availability. These will be confidential reports. In addition, HireSelect leadership and/or cognitive tests will be administered and shared
Interviews are scheduled between the client and each candidate. Following each interview, the client and candidates are contacted, and feedback is mutually shared
A background check and in-depth reference checks are performed, and results are presented to the client. In most cases, second and third generation reference checks are also performed.
Assistance is given in presenting and negotiating the offer to the selected candidate. Contact with client and candidate continues through the start date and initial employment.